How can cost of health insurance be controlled? Here are a few practical suggestions:
1) Make a thorough investigation of all the traditional and consumer directed health plan options. Many companies are easing into consumer directed plans by offering them as part of a "dual choice" program.
2) Out of network benefits. If your PPO network has adequate access to network providers, plan designs that strongly encourage the use of preferred providers that save premium and claim dollars while the insured still gets the needed care at a discounted rate.
3) Prescription drug coverage. Rx plans that encourage the use of generics and require mandatory mail order for maintenance medications are an efficient use of your benefit dollars.
4) Encourage good health. As we all know, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of gain.
5) Consumerism. Access to the tools necessary to be a "good" healthcare consumer will allow individuals to To get the best care at a competitive price, You must have access to all the tools that a good healthcare consumer will have.
